Easy Upload to Cloud and keep your records Secure!

Backup and Secure your Files Today on Siloava!

Why backup your files?

Data loss happens all the time and it is devastating. Siloava backs up all your data and stores it on the cloud securely. If you ever lose your data, you can restore all your files easily from backup. While there are multiple mediums to backup your files, online backup is easy, takes less time to configure and is inexpensive. All your data can be scheduled for automatic backup from time to time, so you don't have to remember to do it.

Securely access all your files from anywhere.

Why choose Siloava?

Backup with Siloava

With your Siloava account, all your data is 100% secure. Siloava runs backup in the background without affecting productivity.

Cloud Drive

Keep a tab on all significant updates and file modifications instantly sync among the linked devices and your cloud account.

Data Security

Data is encrypted with 256-bit AES encryption during transfer and storage.